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Re: Raw script of Valencia talk

>>>>> On Tue, 4 May 2004 16:14:49 +0200 (CEST), Andreas Tille <tillea@rki.de> said:

    Andreas> Hi, I was astonished by myself how much has happened in
    Andreas> concerns of Custom Debian Distributions since Malaga and
    Andreas> how much I had to change for my talk.  I'm not yet
    Andreas> finished but would like to hear some opinions before I
    Andreas> start my travel tomorrow at noon.  So feel free to
    Andreas> comment on

    Andreas> http://people.debian.org/~tille/debian-med/talks/200405_valencia/index.html

    Andreas> Any hints are welcome

Andreas     thanks you  for all   the   good  work  you  are  doing on
documentation :)

It seems that your  talk is a comprehensive  summary of your extensive
paper  on CDDs.

I would   add a paragraph about  debconf  feeding  in the Technologies
section, as I  consider it a very important  aspect, but which seem to
be somewhat problematic.

This thread is a good source of information about the debconf issue:


and I plan to talk about this issue myself too.


Free Ekanayaka

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