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Re: derivatives distro census

* Stefano Zacchiroli <zack@debian.org> [2010-07-06 09:28:25 CEST]:
> On Mon, Jul 05, 2010 at 06:40:38PM +0200, Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
> >  What works best is to give people a hint where to raise their voices
> > when something should get added or is missing. Or wait ... there _is_
> > already such a paragraph on the page, so it doesn't seem to work, people
> > simply don't report missing entries.
> I think my question was not clear enough, sorry about that; let me try
> to restate it. I'm very much aware of the fact that the current most
> appropriate way to update that page is properly mentioned on the page.
> IIRC I've also posted to the contact address some derivatives a few
> weeks ago, when I got interested in this derivatives thingie.

 Good boy ;)  That's the way to get the updates in.

> However, in spite of that contact address, that page does not currently
> seem up to date (at least to me, but I might be wrong of course). So my
> question was more on the lines of « can we do any better than the
> current way of maintaining that page, so that the page gets up to date
> *again* ? ».

 The thing is, if the information doesn't flow in, how would we know
about it? A famous saying is "there is so much to do and so little
time" - and I definitely don't want to see it as the web team's job to
actually search around the web for distributions that might be based on
Debian to put into the list.

 What we though _can_ do better is making the page more prominent and
point to it more often. If people are more regularly aware of the page
then more people will think about "Hell, why isn't $my_fav_distribution
on that page!! I'll tell them off!!". The more people know about the
page the more livid the update requests will flow in.

> Once more: I believe the crux is more in how do we send out the message
> "Debian wants to do a one-shot derivatives census, to get its indexes up
> to date again", than in how we technically collect the results.

 Small try: <http://identi.ca/notice/39943828>  :)

 But I think we definitely can do better on the childen-distros page
itself. I am not really objecting to adding logos (if they aren't too
big) of the children distros to the page too to make it look more

 Also, personally I consider it a bit confusing that sometimes the
distribution name is a link and sometimes there is an URL after it as
link. I know that the former links to a description within the page and
the latter just to the homepage of the project, but it's still a bit
strange. Also some of the descriptions are pretty much marketing speach
and we might want to adjust them ...

 Like always, patches/help/comments always welcome! Feel free to send
them directly to the debian-www@lists.debian.org list if the are more
substantial than this general suggestions. :)

 Have fun!
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