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Re: Debian derivatives census: Deepin: welcome!

On 07/29/2017 10:54 PM, Paul Wise wrote:
> Hi Felix,
> I would like to welcome yourself and Deepin to the Debian derivatives
> census! Would you like to take this opportunity to introduce yourself
> and Deepin to us all?

Thank you. Here is a brief intro: Deepin is not a very new distribution,
but it was Ubuntu-based until late 2015. Deepin comes with DDE, a new
desktop environment based on Qt5 and Go, optimized for desktop users,
especially for Chinese desktop users. Hardware side, we focus on x86_64,
mips64el and alpha.

Currently there is an effort going on to submit DDE packages to Debian
upstream. We are working at the GitHub debian-dde-team [1] for now, but
will likely to switch to Debian infrastructure once we get permission.
Boyuan Yang [2] is helping us on this.

Some info about myself: My Chinese name is 晏然, Felix is my English name.
I was born and currently live in Wuhan, China, the same city as Deepin's
R&D center is located. I am an Arch developer since 2013, ported DDE to
Arch in 2015, before I join Deepin as a developer. I manage many servers
running Debian or its derivatives.

> It would be great if you could join our mailing list and IRC channel:
> https://wiki.debian.org/DerivativesFrontDesk

Sure, both joined :)

> You don't appear to be subscribed to the Deepin census page,
> I've made a few changes to the Deepin census page:
> https://wiki.debian.org/Derivatives/Census/Deepin?action=info

Subscribed now.

> The page says that Deepin modifies Debian binary packages. It is quite
> rare that distributions modify Debian binary packages instead of
> modifying source packages and rebuilding them. Does Deepin actually do
> this? If so could you describe what kind of modifications you are
> making? If not I guess the page needs to be fixed.

Corrected. I meant to say "modifies some of the source packages" but
somehow overlooked what the example gives.
> Are you sure that the Deepin sources.list on the wiki page is correct
> and complete? When I was tracking down Deepin sources, I found these:
> deb-src http://packages.deepin.com/experimental experimental main
> deb-src http://packages.deepin.com/loongson unstable main
> deb-src http://packages.deepin.com/deepin-server kui main contrib non-free
> deb-src http://packages.deepin.com/deepin-server kui-security main contrib non-free
> deb-src http://packages.deepin.com/deepin-debian unstable main contrib non-free
> deb-src http://packages.deepin.com/deepin unstable main contrib non-free

The entries I listed are for latest community edition, we also have a
professional version (based on jessie) for enterprises and I thought it
would be confusing to list them together. Please correct me if this was
meant to list all apt repos unconditionally.

> I've added the Deepin blog to Planet Debian derivatives which helps the
> Debian community find out the things that are happening in the world of
> Debian derivatives.
> http://planet.debian.org/deriv/

Since it's an English page I guess the following feed would be better:


> Since Deepin is based in China you might be interested in joining
> the Debian China group.
> https://wiki.debian.org/LocalGroups/Debian-CN

Already a frequenter :)

> This year the annual Debian conference is in Montreal, Canada.
> Unfortunately it is very close to the start of the conference so you
> probably won't be able to attend this year, but next year is in
> Hsinchu, Taiwan. This appears to be relatively close to the Deepin
> location, it would be great if developers from Deepin could attend
> DebConf18.
> https://debconf17.debconf.org/
> https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf18

We are planning to, and thanks for the info.

> I would encourage Wuhan Deepin Technology (the Deepin corporate
> sponsor) to contribute financially to ensure the continued survival of
> Debian and the success of the annual Debian conference.
> https://www.debian.org/donations
> https://debconf.org/sponsors/
> https://debconf17.debconf.org/sponsors/become-a-sponsor/
> I would encourage any attendees to volunteer to ensure the continued
> the success of the annual Debian conference, here are some examples of
> things that need helpers.
> https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf13/VolunteerCoordination

I have forwarded these to our managers.

Some of the issues are not yet answered since I still have to
investigate or contact others to fix. Many thanks for the detailed

[1] https://github.com/debian-dde-team
[2] https://nm.debian.org/person/byang

Felix Yan

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