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Re: packaging control field Uploaders

On 9/27/21 01:53, Paul Wise wrote:
I think the right way to deal with the Uploaders field in any
situation is to pretend we live in a world where we have a single
Maintainers field instead of Maintainer+Uploaders. The Uploaders field
is a historical wart that really should never have been invented in
the first place.

ack, however (and to explain our reasing to use XSBC-Original-Uploaders):

  * given that it is not guaranteed that the right person is in
    Maintainers:, but sometimes only have the actual person doing the
    job in Uploaders..

    we concluded to preserve both in all derivative packages to not
    "loose the correct information", without needing to "decide" which
    one is correct on a per package basis.

  * for those who remember back in the days when Ubuntu popped up
    for the first time.. some people were complaining that Ubuntu was
    replacing Maintainers and thus "not giving credit" to the original
    packagers (hence, afair, the XSBC-Original-Maintainer: was
    introduced later on).

    same *could* be said for Uploaders:, thus in our derivative we
    preserve Uploaders: as well in order to "not remove credits".


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