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Re: improvements on desktop task

On 8/29/06, andremachado <andremachado@techforce.com.br> wrote:
Please, see
There are valid concerns and suggestions that could be implemented on an
improved task desktop on tasksel.
Could it be done for Etch?

[ wearing my tasksel member and sort of desktop task maintainer hat now ]

Hi Andre,

Thanks for pointing that blog post. Could you please list what are the
suggestions related with the desktop task? Remember that non-free
software will not be added and these are the only one 'cons' listed by
the author, right? Please tell me if i missed something.

Talking about flash and java plugins. I look forward to add gnash and
gcjwebplugin for Etch+1, due to upstream code quality i don't think
both will be mature enough for Etch. Talking about media playback
plugins, there's totem mozilla plugin that hopefully will be added
soon and is already in my svn tasksel branch.

Btw, i recommend you:

-- stratus

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