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Desktop Stable Release?

Is it possible to shorten the time of Desktop oriented distribution of Debian?

While it requires an analysis of critical release bugs, may be we can add a classification of them by Desktop Release Critical Bugs, in order to release a Stable Desktop usable version of Debian.

May be this means. classify bugs in:

* Server Release Critical Bugs

* Desktop Release Critical Bugs

This could help some Debian derivative, Desktop Oriented distributions to release or better bug tracking.

But also, we can see more frequent Debian Desktop Stable releases!

Advice should be done, about that using it as Server, installing un-stable (testing or sid) packages versions are un-desired, not convenient and no supported by Debian.

Of course we can see a regular Stable release, using a Server brand, with all stable packages, while Desktop version could go ahead using more recent packages, but stable enough to be usable by newcomers and users.

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