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Re: Needed: Desktop artwork plan for bookworm - work idea

Created a Wiki page with the 3 proposals so far:

On 4/9/22, Onsemeliot <onsemeliot@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 2022-04-08 at 22:03 +0000, Holger Levsen wrote:
>> there's no such concept as *the* desktop in Debian
> That is what I was thinking about.
> But I am not familiar enough with the involved technologies to decide
> what might be possible from a practical perspective.
> As far as I am aware most desktops provide at least the ability to
> adapt highlight colors. But I don't know if it would be easy to bind
> the desktop background color to that chosen as the highlight in menus.
> Especially because desktop background colors can usually be defined
> independently.
> On the other hand the default background could possibly use either the
> variable for the highlight or for the background. But I don't know
> since I don't unserstand the inner workings of any desktop (theme).
> Cheers
> Onsemeliot

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