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Re: tasks

Bdale Garbee wrote:
> Was someone thinking Amanda here?  It's not obvious to me.  If so, adding a
> task-<something> or two to the Amanda package set is something I'd be willing
> to do.  Frankly, for folks who want it, amanda-server and amanda-client are
> pretty obvious, aren't they?

I don't know about this one. http://www.debian.org/~martinb/tasks/ is a
useful reference, and it specs it out like this:

Package: task-backup-net
Version: 0.1
Depends: afbackup, afbackup-client, amanda-client, amanda-common,
amanda-server, mtx
Architecture: all
Description: Network backup server and client
 Backup tools to either run a backup server, or do backups to a
 backup host. 

> >> Dns
> And here, is this just to pick BIND?  Or something broader?  I maintain BIND,
> so can do a task-dns-server if that's wanted... 'DNS' is an awfully broad 
> topic, and all the right client stuff is there automagically on a new install.

Specced out as:

Package: task-dns
Version: 0.1
Depends: bind, bind-doc, dlint
Architecture: all
Description: DNS server
 This task package installs the BIND DNS server, documentation and
 tools to test your server.

Probably makes more sense to call it task-dns-server.

> >> Webserver apache
> >> Webserver roxen
> If someone knows which webserver they want, is a task- needed?  If they don't,
> having two task meta packages won't help.  We should just pick one as the
> default, I'd think apache.

I'd agree. Part of the point of task packages is making choices for people
who don't want to. By the way, the current spec for the webserver-apache is

Package: task-websever-apache
Version: 0.1
Depends: analog, apache, apache-common, apache-doc, htdig, php3, php3-doc,
php3-gd, php3-imap, php3-ldap, php3-magick, php3-mhash, php3-mysql,
php3-pgsql, php3-xml, php3-snmp, phplib, libapache-mod-roaming,
libapache-session-perl, libapache-dbi-perl, libapache-mod-perl,
libapache-asp-perl, libapache-mod-jserv, libapache-filter-perl,
libapache-dbilogger-perl, libapache-mod-auth-pam, libapache-mod-python,
libapache-mod-fastcgi, libapache-ssi-perl, tidy, wml
Architecture: all
Description: Web server (Apache)
 The popular webserver apache plus tools to run a professional grade
 webserver, like logfile analyser, full text indexer, PHP3 and the Website
 Meta Language (WML)

see shy jo

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