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#56224: ssh: OpenSSH incorrectly handles no upgrade from ssh

moin, moin,

when OpenSSH tries to replace ssh one is asked:

Are you sure you want to upgrade to OpenSSH?

with a default answer of no. When choosing that option it sets
ssh/upgrade_to_openssh = false.

There are two problems after this. First, it comes up again. I said no
once and don't usually change my mind in the next 30 sec :).

The other problem is that even after saying no twice it stops sshd
anyway. If I'm not allowing the upgrade it shouldn't need to stop the
daemon. On the second time through it exits on an error from preinst:

  db_get ssh/upgrade_to_openssh
  if [ "$RET" = "false" ]; then
    echo "ssh preinst: Aborting because ssh/upgrade_to_openssh =
false" >&2
    exit 1

sshd does get restarted, but it shouldn't have gone down to begin with if
I was refusing the package.

Should config put the package on hold if the answer is no? Will that
affect apt-get/dpkg partway through a dist-upgrade?

I use apt-get dist-upgrade for upgrading. Open-SSH is using debconf.

I am not a debian developer and haven't muddled my way through the package
building process far enough in order to test anything.



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