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Re: Debian and GNOME, partnership with Helixcode?

Previously Miguel de Icaza wrote:
> Sadly, those packages are seldome updated, and there is not an ongoing
> effort to keep them up to date.  I tried to assemble such a team, in
> the gnome-packaging-list, but that group never produced binaries.

[.. snip snip ..]

> Because nobody did contribute them.  Every binary on the site was
> contributed by someone.  For example, recently we got mail from a
> TurboLinux user, and he provided us with the packages for TurboLinux. 

This doesn't surprise me at all: most people who make Debian packages
also happen to be Debian developers and can upload them to the Debian
archive. This means that all Debian users get to see the package
automatically and is a lot simpler then uploading something to
ftp.gnome.org. This possibility does not for people from other
distributions, so for them there is a good reason to upload to

What you probably should have done is ask on debian-devel and/or
debian-gtk-gnome if people who package parts of GNOME are willing to
also upload their package to gnome.org. 

We also tend to take longer to release package to make sure they fit
well into the distribution and are well-behaved. With the complexity
of GNOME that can take quite a while, so we will probably always be
a bit behind. Then again, I don't mind waiting if it means I will get
a much better package.


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