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Wichert does some more travelling

I'll be visiting Montreal next week (April 8-16) to give a talk on Linux
package management at the Linux Expo there. Looking at their website
there will also be a Debian booth there, however I have no idea who is
running that.. 

I'll also be visiting Madrid from April 25 to 30 to give the same
talk at the Linux Expo there.

If you'ld like to meet at either of those, exchange key signatures, grab
a beer or something else don't hestitate to mail me.


 / Generally uninteresting signature - ignore at your convenience  \
| wichert@liacs.nl                    http://www.liacs.nl/~wichert/ |
| 1024D/2FA3BC2D 576E 100B 518D 2F16 36B0  2805 3CB8 9250 2FA3 BC2D |

Attachment: pgpXuDv_v3_DL.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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