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ITP: Renderpark

If no one objects i also intent to package "Renderpark" wich will
work together with "3Dom".


From the Readme-File:

What is RenderPark??

RenderPark is a photo-realistic rendering tool being developed at
the Computer Graphics Research Group of the Katholieke Universiteit
Leuven, in Belgium. The goal is to offer a solid implementation of many
existing photo-realistic rendering algorithms in order to compare them on a
fair basis, evaluate benefits and shortcomings, find solutions for the latter
and to develop new algorithms that are more robust and efficient than the
algorithms that are available today. RenderPark will offer
you several state-of-the-art rendering algorithms that are not yet
present in other rendering packages, not even in expensive ones.
Allthough RenderPark is in the first place a test-bed for rendering algorithms,
it is evolving towards a full-featured physics-based global illumination
rendering system.

Renderpark is also able to render Radiance input files (to
be converted using rad2mgf in the MGF parser library) 

| Dennis Schoen                   | "Contrary to popular belief,
| dschoen@rio.gt.owl.de           |  UNIX is a user-friendly Operating
| http://www.gt.owl.de/~dschoen/  |  System. It's just choosey about
| +49-5207-923701                 |  who its friends are."

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