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Progeny and Debian


A few months ago, I posted here to let you all know that I am starting
a company called Progeny.  We've spent the last few months planning,
organizing, and raising money, and as of early March, we're officially
off and running.  We are building Linux-based software systems for
large-scale computing environments (yes, that's vague--we're at an
early stage of development, so we don't want to say much more than
that for now).  Naturally, we're basing our flagship product on
Debian, though we're taking a different approach than originally
planned.  Originally, we were planning to build a commercial
derivative of Debian to use as a starting point, but we ultimately
decided that a better strategy was to forget about building a
derivative and devote our resources to Debian directly.  We firmly
believe that this is a better approach for everyone: it's better for
us, because we can leverage the excellent and ongoing work being done
by the Debian community to build a better product for our customers,
and it's better for Debian and its users, because Debian can leverage
our efforts to help build a better system for its users.

Thus, I'm pleased to announce that Progeny is launching development
initiatives designed to help improve Debian in several key areas,
including installation, administration, and hardware management.  Our
goal is to bring many of the ease-of-use and systems integration
enhancements that have recently made their way into commercial Linux
distributions to Debian, all without taking away the flexibility and
power of the underlying Debian system.  To the largest extent
possible, we will base our work on existing free software and work
with existing development efforts, to avoid duplicating effort where
good free software already exists.  As with Debian, all of our
development will occur in an open forum, and everyone is welcome and
encouraged to join in and participate.

We have set up a web page and mailing list for our Debian development
efforts (see http://www.progenylinux.com/devel/debian for more
information, including how to subscribe to the mailing list and get
involved).  We hope that the Debian development community will find
our work useful, and that our efforts can help make Debian a better
system for all users.  We are announcing our development initiatives
publicly now because we want the community to be involved in the
design and implementation process at an early stage.  I look forward
to hacking Debian with all of you again!


For more information about Progeny, please visit us on the web at
http://www.progenylinux.com.  We're hiring!  For more information,
please see http://www.progenylinux.com/jobs.

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