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Re: potato late, goals for woody (IMHO)

On Fri, Apr 28, 2000 at 06:51:03AM -0700, Kenneth Scharf wrote:
> My god! it's been over a year since slink was released
> and potato is still frozen. 

Is anyone else having flashbacks to the hamm release?

Note that

	deb http://auric.debian.org/~ajt testing main

should be working fairly nicely now (for all the arches potato's got, and
sources), both in that it should be more or less as bugfree as potato,
and not too far behind woody [0]. So there's a good chance we'll have
automated support for a quicker freeze in future.

You will have to point at potato/woody for contrib, non-free and non-US/*


aj, shamelessly self-promoting

[0] Although it'll be much much better when sparc, arm and
    powerpc(?) point their autobuilders at woody. See
    http://auric.debian.org/~ajt/update_excuses.html (>100kB) which
    offers excuses for why you're favourite woody package may not have
    been added to testing yet. A lot of them are just "foo.deb isn't up
    to date on bar" at the moment, thanks to this pesky release thing.

[1] Uninstallability stats by dist and arch:

     slink:     potato:       testing:      unstable:
      i386   7   i386     5    i386     6    i386       134
      m68k  23   sparc   14    sparc    7    powerpc    208
      alpha 26   alpha   41    alpha   34    sparc      336
      sparc 29   m68k    49    m68k    42    m68k       339
                 powerpc 67    powerpc 50    hurd-i386  589
                 arm     89    arm     78    alpha     1953
                                             arm       2824

    These stats aren't entirely fair and reasonable by any means (and as
    such trying to use `testing's neat stats to improve potato is likely
    to do more harm than good at this point), but should hopefully be
    indicative of how much better we should be able to do next time.

Anthony Towns <aj@humbug.org.au> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
I don't speak for anyone save myself. GPG encrypted mail preferred.

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