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ITP: xpenguins

  xpenguins is one of the cutest toys I've seen in a long time.  I've actually
got a package already (took about 5 minutes) -- hopefully my application will
be processed RSN, at which point I'll upload it, but if someone can't wait to
get this into woody, they could sponsor an upload..

  xpenguins can be found at http://www.met.rdg.ac.uk/~swrhgnrj/xpenguins/;
the copyright is GPL.

Description: Cute penguins wander around your X root window
  xpenguins animates a small family of penguins in your root window.  They
  drop in from the top of the screen, walk along the tops of your windows,
  up the side of your windows, up the top of the screen, and sometimes
  even levitate with their genetically-modified go-go-gadet 'copter ability.


"Fluble, the others want you to know that we have you surrounded with
 tranquilizer rifles and are prepared to use them.  Again."  -- Fluble

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