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Stallman Admits to Copyright Infringement

It bothers me to no end.  I would like to see Debian take active
measures to distance itself from these statements.

Unless you are one of the Debian anarchists, I think it will be
eye-opening to see just how little Stallman respects the rights of
others.  I know it was for me.

Judge for yourself.  Its the "Value Your Freedom" Wired interview.  The
exact section is Part 3 starting at about the second minute.


Here is the relevant portion in the context of a discussion of piracy,
the interviewer asked:

Q: What do you think about people who love music sharing files with
   their neighbors?

A: I do that.  I do that.  I will let anybody borrow and copy my records
   and tapes.  I love music, and therefore I loathe the music industry.

As "loathsome" as the music industry may be, at least it respects
Stallman's copyrights (which is more than Stallman can say).

Paul Serice

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