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Re: init script config files

On Sun, Jul 09, 2000 at 12:07:26AM -0400, Christopher W. Curtis wrote:
> Sure you could.  Change:
> #!/bin/bash
> . /etc/init.d/defaults foo
> to
> #!/bin/bash
> . /etc/init.d/defaults foo $@
> Rewrite the script in /etc/config.d/foo - you get persistence and
> conffile isn't needed on the script.  Please note that I'm suggesting
> this be done, simply that it is possible.

why would i do that when i could just rewrite the initscript to do
what i want?

and besides that you still have to edit the script anyway to get rid
of the starting and stoping since those are items i have had to redo.
(again bind)

> What I've done (re: creating functions) is not terribly different from
> writing something like ssd - just another tool that can be used.  My
> code happens to be written in bash, not C.  ssd does not document its
> return values in the manpage; I haven't looked at the source.

so why not document start-stop-daemon, or perhaps add more return

> not.  I provide a subset of ssd, plus a couple things it doesn't do.

and your script lacks much function that start-stop does have.  and
your script obfuscates the initscript preventing a sysadmin from
parsing a script quickly.

> Why if the script comes with sensible defaults?

um because things change, variables may become obsolete or need to be
changed in some way.  

> "1+" is insufficient for meaningful error reporting.

rubbish.  there are plenty of return codes to use.  

> No, you don't need it, but it can be made easier if so.

easier on who? not the sysadmin. and the sysadmin's needs are more

> That's true - start, status, and [hup|term|usr1].  Since it doesn't try

hence become obfuscated. just like redhat's

> I didn't say that it should not ask permission to overwrite a changed
> file.  I say that it should not ever need to do such a thing (ie:
> configuration changes go in a different file).

there are generally so few configuration options in a initscript that
its hardly worth the extra trouble and complication. in any event
configuration variables in a seperate file need not have anything more
then the following:

if [ -f /etc/default/foo.conf ] ; then
	. /etc/default/foo.conf

for things like $ARGS or $STARTDAEMON there is no need for them to be
set.  no need for obfuscated funtions and other crap.

Ethan Benson

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