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I have a suggestion for adding a new funcion to dpkg. I install many libs
and I like to try new packages that often I remove after some days or hours.
No probs if the packages doesn't need libs, but often it happens that
installing it I install many otherpackages like libs etc. It would be nice
to have a way to know who installed what, so when you remove a packages you
are adviced in which other packeges should be removed. Ie. calling Installed
the field in the status file that show this information, if there are more
than one packages that is based on it the removing one of them there will be
not answers, but when we'll remove the last one you have to be adviced that
the remaining package is not more useful and should be removed...It's like a
back-dependedency check.


			+--------+ Maybe you are searching for freedom
			| Enrico |    Maybe you can't find it anywhere
			+--------+          I found it in linux.......
The ultimate result is that some innovations that would truly benefit
consumers never occur for the sole reason that they do not coincide with
Microsoft's self-interest.
-- Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson, U.S. District Judge

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