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Re: deb-make

Bruce> That's easy. You and I didn't write it, and it was necessary,
Bruce> and someone else wrote it.

> This sounds like the rest of us munchkins are idiotic
> nincompoops with tendencies towards closed door badly-designed
> application development.

I didn't mean it to sound that way. The problem was that Ian controlled
dpkg development, and I didn't see the possibility for such a tool, and
I guess neither did Ian. I think we were disbelieving enough in the
concept that we did not encourage discussion of it on debian-devel. So
the concept had to be proven _first_ before anyone would listen. This
did not facilitate a long open planning session before building the tool.

Bruce Perens K6BP   Bruce@Pixar.com   510-215-3502
Finger bruce@master.Debian.org for PGP public key.
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