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I have just uploaded "new" versions of the netpbm package.  That is,
the code has been moved to the new source code format, and a few bugs
have been fixed.  I consider this an interim release.  I believe the
compilation could be better optimized, and I do want to address the
remaining bugs.  It should be as useable as the version originally
packaged by Jim Robinson.

Probably in a sign that I still don't understand the 'epoch' business,
I named the new package by just increasing the Debian revision number.
The source code hasn't changed.

I did a little research on the copyrights.  Almost all of the included
programs are freely distributable.  There are only 4 problems:
one is a program where the author wrote "all rights reserved" as the
copyright statement.  I will write to him and ask for a waiver.
The other 3 are programs where Jef Poskanzer and David Koblas included 
a copyright statement that said the programs were freely distributable, 
but which either read or write out GIFs, making me think that these
copyright statement is just plain wrong.  We could place most of 
the netpbm package within the main distribution and put these few
packages into a separate package in non-free (e.g., netpbm-non-free).


Susan Kleinmann

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