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Re: For those interested in NLS

>Ooooh!  Patch for date!  Patch for sort!  Send!  Send  Send! :)
Sure thing... they're on their way, in three parts.

part 1, is a patch for sh-utils configure script.  This is the configure
script from sh-utils 1.15.  If there are any differences here, that make
a problem for 1.16, let me know, and I'll solve differences.

then there is date.c, and sort.c.  I send the sources whole, hope that
is ok?

>I can go ahead and include these (assuming they're reasonable) into
>the debian versions, and send 'em upstream as well.

Oh yes, they are very reasonable.

You can send them upstream, but I really doubt they'll be accepted by
upstream.  I'll explain.

The reason 'date' doesn't display date in locale format, currently.  Is
because Ulrich Drepper made the test for 'strftime' ensure that it would
be only 'his' version of strftime.  The one we have is GNU, and it will
fully support locale format... wether it is Dreppers version, or just the
crummy older GNU version.

The same applies to 'sort'...  mister Ulrich Drepper is, according to
his own ego, the only person that can make competent code.  And therefore
all code that doesn't use his own... is excluded.

The reason I make this judgement, is because the test in the configure
script provided by this person, is *unreasonable* by any standard.  It
simply _ensures_ that you are running GNU's version of strftime, and if
you're not, support for your locale is REMOVED.

I call that an attitude problem... and definately not in GNU spirit.

Ørn Einar Hansen                         oe.hansen@halmstad.mail.telia.com
                               home+fax; +46 035 217194

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