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Re: debmake: a compromise?


	I'm unsure what the process of ``bagging'' entails, but it
 sounds quite unsavory, and so could we please refrain from doing so?
 (I admit, I'm cultuaraly, umm, challenged, when it comes to modern
 english [or is it american?] idion).

>>"Nicolás" == Nicolás Lichtmaier <nick@feedback.com.ar> writes:

Nicolás> On Sat, 22 Feb 1997, Richard G. Roberto wrote:

Nicolás> What Christoph was trying to explain you was that if dewbstd
Nicolás> simply inserted commands into the rules file, one vital
Nicolás> capability of debstd would be lost.

	I think this happens not to be the case -- we could have the
 best of both worlds, with patience, and a bit of work.

Nicolás> And: `Work done is work done'. If you think that these issues
Nicolás> should be hanbdled in a better way, you are free to code a
Nicolás> better utility. You are free to not use debstd (you are free
Nicolás> to run RedHat also).

	Quite so. But I do believe that even the best of us (outside a
 pantheon) could do with a little bit of constructive critiquing.

	Also, we do *not* want everyone coding yet another package
 automation tool *before* they come to this forum to discuss
 details. (which is the logical requirement for a discussion by your
 standards ;-) ;-)

 ps Remember, ;-)
Manoj Srivastava               <url:mailto:srivasta@acm.org>
Mobile, Alabama USA            <url:http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>

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