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Improvements to dselect

 I think that there are some improvements that can make a lot of
difference in the usability of dselect, making it more intuitive.

 Using keys more like DOS/Windows... like this:

 We have a `focus' in the main window, that can be in the upper or in the
lower section. TAB changes this focus. When in the upper section, up/down
arrows scroll the package list, as now, in the lower they scroll the
description. Left/right keys in the lower sections cycle through the
information displayed ('i').
 The help screen should not be shown when entering dselect, it should be
posible to quit help with ESC. The help screen should have a simple menú,
rather than how it is now (the keys).
 Pressing enter in dselect should have the same efect as pressing space.
We quit form the selecion screen with ESC or q, and dselect would ask if
the user want to apply changes.
 What do you think?

Nicolás Lichtmaier.-

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