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Re: requirements for new dselect

In article <[🔎] Pine.LNX.3.95.970223154224.3200A-100000@cancerous.braincells.com> 
you write:
>There should be a way to make a list of packages to be installed and feed
>it to the program.  For instance whenever I setup a machine, I invariably
>want apache, pico, and pine, and I never want CERN httpd, emacs and elm.
>Instead of having to select and deselct packages each time, I'd keep my
>list and copy it to each new machine which would only install the
>packages I want. 

There already is such a feature in dpkg - --get-selections &
--set-selections will do exactly this for you...

>Some lists could come bundled with the tool.  "Lean"
>would include only the packages with priority "Required".  "Standard-nox"
>would be all the ones with priority "Standard" which didn't need X and
>"Standard-withx" would include the ones which did use X.  Or somehing like

That could be useful, agreed.

Steve McIntyre, CURS Secretary, Cambridge, UK.   stevem@chiark.greenend.org.uk
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