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Re: Possible framework for `debmake replacement'

On Fri, 28 Feb 1997, Fabrizio Polacco wrote:

>I think we need to change the nature of the debian/rules file from 
>edited to generated (and so it should be better to change its name, 
>so we could handle both ways to build packages without shooting 
>anyone's foot).

Current debmake:

The debian/rules file is already generated by the "deb-make" script.
compression and other things that might change are done by a script
invoked by debian/rules. The rules file generation could be made much more

>Then could be useful a dpkg-lint checker which can discover "unusual" 
>things and warn the maintainer and/or inform the QA testers about 
>things done differently as the current policy. It could be *really* 
>useful to test packages when policy changes: it could suggest changes 
>to be done in the package description file(s) to accomplish policy.

Current debmake:

debmake contains a program deblint doing just that. It might need some
more tests and some other improvements thought.

>The maintainer should _always_ have the last word, which should be
>explained somewhere in a debian/ file like readme.debian or so.


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