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Re: abandoning nethack

Rob Browning wrote:
> Gregory Vence <gvence@ix.netcom.com> writes:
> > I'm familiar with this app on several platforms.  What tools will I need
> > to maintain it?
> >
> > If you'd give me a crash course (pointers to documents) I'll get the
> > reading done over the weekend too.
> You want to start with the documents in /usr/doc/dpkg on a debian
> machine.  Specifically, you should look at the files in policy.html
> and programmer.html.  These will get you going.
> If you don't have access to a debian machine, I can send you the
> files, or you can extract them from the dpkg-dev*.deb file in
> unstable/binary-i386/utils/ on any debian mirror with standard unix
> tools.  Unfortunately I can't remember the incantation at the moment,
> but perhaps someone else can.
> Thanks, and good luck.

No problem (yeah right.)  I may have spoken to soon in taking on this
package.  It appears to take some time to get privilages to the system.

Paul, if you can wait until I get those and jump throught the new hoops,
I'll be glad to take it.  If not and there is a developer ready who
already has access and a system, let them have it.

Bruce, what/who are the new hoops for getting access/authenticated/etc?

Thanx -- Greg.

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