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Re: A Solution

	[Moving this discusiion out to debian devel]

>>"Martin" == Martin Schulze <joey@finlandia.infodrom.north.de> writes:

 Martin> The bugtracking system is the best thing we have to store
 Martin> feature requests.  In its actual state it can't be used like
 Martin> a roadmap. I was thinking more about Brians todo list for
 Martin> 1.3, but this deosn't have priorities &c.

	That is not to say that it is right. We should not be
 overloading the functionality of a *bug* tracking system, and then
 say we can't use this as a roadmap. 

	Instead, we should create a request tracking system, and
 forward feature requests to the new request tracking system, and then
 put in stronger guidelines about clearing bug reports. 

who thinks our bug list is an eyesore
Manoj Srivastava               <url:mailto:srivasta@acm.org>
Mobile, Alabama USA            <url:http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>

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