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Re: Can we upload binaries using libc6 to hamm yet?

On Apr 22, Thomas Koenig wrote
> >> Seeing as hamm is supposed to be libc6, and I some new stuff to upload
> >> into hamm, can I compile it against libc6?
> >I would think so.  FWIW, I'm building the new glibc 2.0.3 right now to
> >go into unstable.
> What about maintainers who don't have libc6 yet (like me)?  

You should get it.

> Should I
> stop providing i386 binaries to hamm, and wait for somebody else to
> compile them for libc6?  If I provide libc5 binaries, what about
> differeniating the *.deb file names for libc5 and libc6?

In general, if a package does not provide any public, shared libraries
(i.e. shared libraries used by other packages), it should be rebuilt
with libc6 using the same package name when all of the libraries it
needs have been rebuilt for libc6.

In general, if a package does provide public, shared libraries, extra
action will be required.  In these cases, the package should be
rebuilt with libc6 using a new package name so it can coexist with the
old libc5 version.  Eventually, the old libc5 version will be removed
from the distribution when it is no longer needed.

The reason I prefaced both of these paragraphs with "In general" is
because I expect there will be some exceptions.  For example, I am
hopeful that Tcl8.0 will be released well before Debian 2.0 so I may
choose not to rebuild the older versions of Tcl with libc6.

David Engel                        ODS Networks
david@sw.ods.com                   1001 E. Arapaho Road
(972) 234-6400                     Richardson, TX  75081

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