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Re: Package organization issue...

On Apr 30, Lars Wirzenius wrote
> And ssh, su, xterm, and all other programs that launch login
> shells (some of them may use login, but not all do). That's many
> security-sensitive programs to modify. All this just to make
> it easier to slow down the login process?

Well, what really should happen is login should have an option
that means "authentication already happened".  Running login as
root, or the user, with this option would create the user's
standard login environment.  [Or maybe some other, non-suid program
should do this bit, and login should be simplified to call this

Then, any sufficiently privileged program that wants to create a
login shell for a user just needs to call exec().
> /etc/profile.d and its variations would allow packages to set
> up a different default environment that is `nicer' by some
> definition. Is this worth the trouble of modifying the way
> login works on Debian?

/etc/profile.d/ and its variations is a much bigger headache,
in the long run.
> I hate to repeat myself, but in my humble opinion,
> 	* all programs should work without special setup in
> 	  /etc/profile, or elsewhere, and

Even netpbm and mh?  For that matter, X11?

I agree, in general, that programs should work without special
setup, but certain updates (to path, manpath, and maybe
library oriented env variables) should pervade the system.


[p.s. sorry about the buggy illustration in my earlier post.]

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