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Re: GOAL: Consistent Keyboard Configuration

ian@chiark.greenend.org.uk (Ian Jackson)  wrote on 26.05.97 in <[🔎] m0wW3Yl-0004oyC@chiark.greenend.org.uk>:

> What we want is:
>  * `<--' always deletes the character to the left of the cursor.
>  * `Delete' always deletes to the right.
>  * `Control'+`H' produces help in Emacs, as before.
> We want this to be true for the console, for X, and even if you use
> rlogin or telnet to get from one system to another.

Hmm. This only works as long as you don't come from a machine or terminal  
that uses those keys differently, of course. In which case, relying on  
terminfo and/or stty is probably the best you can do.

>  * Emacs is programmed to map KB_Backspace or the `stty erase'
>    character to delete-backward-char, and KB_Delete or kdch1 to
>    delete-forward-char, and ^H to help as always.

Well, except if ^H happens to be stty erase or kdch1, in which case that  
assignment should probably have priority. Likewise, delete-backward-char  
should probably have priority over delete-forward-char, in the (hopefully  
unlikely) event that they collide.

>  * Some terminals have a `<--' key that cannot be made to produce
>    anything except ^H.  On these terminals Emacs help will be
>    unavailable (assuming that the `stty erase' character takes
>    precedence in Emacs, and has been set correctly).

Emacs won't be unavailable. Emacs help probably will, except if these  
terminals are able to do an F1.

MfG Kai

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