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Re: Packages to go in 1.3.1r3 (Was: Debian Releases )

> > I'm trying very hard to only net things that are absolutely necessary
> > to make it into bo-updates (soon to be: bo-untested)
> Nice, but would you please post the results of you "cleanup" for debate?
> There could be relations not very obvious for some packages to be there
> (I'm thinking of the relation between netstd, dip and sliplogin, that
> should be moved or not all three as one).

Yup.  Just another reason why I try to limit what goes into the next
release.  Often these dependancies show up only during use and thus
get past testing and to the final user.

                                 ( bcwhite@verisim.com )

      You can never be too good looking or too well equipped.  -- Dilbert

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