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Re: Experimental base-passwd redesign

Good design. Do not let others discourage you from going ahead with it.

In article <[🔎] 3411EF38.A08C59D@micron.net> you wrote:

: update-passwd is a C program, making the base-passwd package no longer
: architecture-independent.  Another option would be to separate
: update-passwd into its own package, leave only the {passwd,group}.master
: files in base-passwd, and have the base-passwd postinst only call
: update-passwd if it sees it installed.  The problem with that is it
: creates package bloat (two packages instead of one) and may just not be
: worth it.

Keep it one package. Maybe you can put the update executable into the DEBIAN directory?
(I might be on thin ice there..) It is only needed for package updates ...

: The master copies of passwd and group currently live in
: /usr/lib/base-passwd/.  Is there a better place to put them?
: /usr/share, perhaps?

: update-passwd is in /usr/sbin.  Is it important enough to put in /sbin?


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