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proposed changes to Debian web pages

Before I get to the changes, if anyone has a web page that they
would like listed on the 'People behind Debian' page, please
send me the URL and I will include it.

There are some proposed changes to the Debian web pages below. If
you are interested in this, please subscribe to debian-www
and send all responses there.

These are some areas the current pages are lacking and what I've
proposed to do to correct them.
 - ports.html is out of date.
   The new page, release_info.html, includes information on the
   different releases of Debian as well as information on the
   ports to other platforms. This is incomplete and needs feedback
   from other developers.

 - There isn't much propaganda on the pages. This may be a good
   thing, but I couldn't resist rewriting about.html and
   including a link to a new page giving reasons why Debian is
   'a good thing'.

 - A lot of non-Debian Linux information is strewn around the pages.
   This has been collected and put in a 'Related Links' page.

 - The developer docs are mixed in with information for users.
   A new section called 'Developer's Corner' is proposed.

 - Developer's often have questions and aren't sure who to contact.
   The new page, maintainer_contacts.html, lists all the
   different jobs, the person(s) currently in charge, and
   the generic address if one exists, e.g. president@debian.org .

None of these changes have been made to the main distribution.
contains the file site-index-proposed.html which shows the
new site organization. The other files are either new, or rewrites
of existing files (and yes, I do know most of the links don't work.
The pages are written as they would be for the main distribution).

I'd appreciate comments and suggestions on these before implementing
them in the main distribution.

- Sue

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