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Re: Errors from "build"

Lalo Martins <lalo@javali.com.br> writes:

> Douglas Bates wrote:
> [sad story about first package snipped]
> > Sorry about the whining.  I'm a little frustrated.  If I have to go
> > back and start from scratch again this will be the fifth time.
> Douglas, do you have dpkg-dev? With debmake this makes a great pair.
> Then just cd to the source tree, with the original source (.orig) in the
> parent directory (either packed or unpacked as you wish) and run
> "dpkg-buildpackage".


I followed your suggestion and ran dpkg-buildpackage.  That still gave
me the errores but the output showed me that problem was debian/rules
assumed a target "distclean" in the parent directory's Makefile.  The
actual target name was "cleanall".  Once I modified debian/rules for
that, things worked remarkably better.

Again, sorry about the whining.

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