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Re: emacs20

> Emacs 20 is *by no means* beta. It's released software.

Umm, you're *confused*.  beta and "released" are not contradictory.
The FSF generally does 
	1) "quiet" development with a small list, generally called alpha
	2) "public" development open to the world, generally called beta
	3) minor fixes while they're back in alpha on the next major
change; this is generally called "stable".

It happens that emacs19 was in alpha for years, in beta up to the mid
to late 19.20's (I can't find documentation of the transition.)  Given
that emacs 20.2 came out 2 days later, you can't call 20.1 stable...
and I'd expect a continuing flurry of 20.x releases.  Seriously, 20.x
includes a *major* set of incompatible interface changes (that being
the prime non-MULE reason to change the version number) -- you can't
expect that to be right the first step out the door.

> The only reason I can think of for having versions 19.34 and 20.02
> coexisting ist the fact that the MULE support bloats Emacs 20.

Umm, how about the vast quantity of elisp out there that doesn't
actually *work* with emacs 20?  It's an incompatible, unstable
version.  I'm *certainly* not going to release it as "emacs"; the only
debate is whether it will *eventually* become "emacs" or will always
stay "emacs20"...

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