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Re: RPM (Was Re: Deity project schedule problems)

Martin Buck writes:
> Being able to provide default answers for the questions during installation
> would be nice, however. This could be done rather easily by providing
> standard tools to ask questions that have to be used by the
> postinst-scripts. Every question would get a tag and all the questions and
> their answers encountered during installation would be saved to a file.
> Then you could use this file as a template for other installations and you
> wouldn't have to answer all the same questions again.

How about splitting packages needing manual configuration into two
packages, one containing config files and programs and the other the real

For example:
Package foobar-config:

Package foobar-therest ((Pre-?)Depends: foobar-config):

Admins could even save space by --removing foobar-config but leaving


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