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Re: RPM (Was Re: Deity project schedule problems)

On 24 Sep 1997, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

> Hi,
> >>"Enrique" == Enrique Zanardi <ezanardi@noah.dfis.ull.es> writes:
> Enrique> What about configuration at install time? We can mandate that
> Enrique> postinst scripts must not be interactive (it has been
> Enrique> suggested already), there's no modification to dpkg needed,
> Enrique> but do we want that?
> 	Before we can mandate that, we need to have a mechanism in
>  place for package maintainers to still be able to configure their
>  packages as the installer desires. 

That's the point. We use interactive scripts to configure the packages
as soon as possible. RH uses non-interactive scripts, installs
every package in a default (perhaps unusable) state and the sysadmin 
has to configure them after finishing the installation.

Their method allows unattended intallations/upgrades, but the services may
be down until the whole intallation/upgrade is finished and you reconfigure
them to suit your needs. Our method doesn't allow unattended installations/
upgrades, but the services are down only a few seconds. Right?

So there's no good in telling half the story ("See? RH scripts are not 
interactive") if one doesn't think about the pros and cons.
> 	Despite what some people think, interactive maintainer scripts
>  are not Pure Evil. They perform a useful and needed task: helping the
>  installer configure the package to local requirements and
>  inclinations, and to ensure that critical information is imparted to
>  the installer. You can't junk the scripts unless you provide
>  alternate methods to perform the same tasks (like a persistent
>  variables cache, and a messaging system that can be used to bring
>  things to the installers attention [and potentially log it]).
> 	I can mandate that pigs fly, but unless certain underpinning
>  are provided (like wings), the mandate is meaningless.

I agree, of course.
> 	On the other hand, maybe it is time to revive talk about a
>  configration variable databse/snapshot (the last time this
>  degenerated into grandiose plans for a be all admintool, which will
>  take time because of the scope).

I don't know if it's worth it. What is the current status of the admintool 
proyect? Will we have a beta soon, that implement part of the requirements?

Enrique Zanardi						   ezanardi@ull.es
Dpto. Fisica Fundamental y Experimental			Univ. de La Laguna

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