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Re: Packaging helpers (Re: debstd-like tool for those who don't want to use debmake)

Vincent Renardias wrote:
> Exactly! (I know debmake, but I not too confortable with several packaging
> helpers around (each of them having their own set of features, bugs, ...))

FWIW, Christoph Lameter and I have ben talking about making debmake depend
on debhelper, and debstd actually call the debhelper programs from inside
it, so he will gradually remove redundant code from debstd.
> We do need a good helper anyway. So instead of developping 5 of them
> thinking "we'll se later...", why not discussing NOW about it and starting
> working on something that will be THE Debian packaging helper?
> It worked for the admintool, why not this one?

Er, what admin tool? I wasn't aware that the tool has ever been used in a
debian package. I thought it was yet another project that died in committe.
I _don't_ want that happenning to debhelper.
see shy jo

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