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Re: Mailing lists and confidentiality

On Wed, 24 Sep 1997 23:43:37 +1000, Hamish Moffatt wrote:

>On Tue, Sep 23, 1997 at 10:12:17PM -0500, Dave Cinege wrote:
>> On Tue, 23 Sep 97 18:03 BST, Ian Jackson wrote:
>> >Manoj Srivastava sent me private email to complain about my posting
>> >about the Deity discussion to debian-devel, claiming that I had
>> >violated the privacy of the debian-private mailing list.
>> This seems typical of Manoj. In our adventures together it also always 
>> Bruce could do no wrong according to him.
>I fail to see how comments such as this help anything either Dave.
>You have always been looking for trouble with Bruce Dave. I feel
>that he is doing an excellent job.

And you are another one....
It has to do without enumerating the 'Perens' club. I keep hearing "The general 
consensus of the developers" but it seems you are the only developers that 
count. The rest of the developers seem to be voicing a good deal of discontent 
with various issues that have been decided by his holyness.

As for looking for trouble with Bruce, he has been creating it all on his own.
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