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Q: uploading revisions

	Hi, I uploaded fvwmconf a few days ago.  I got a bug report.  I am
also the upstream author.  It has been my habit to add a few features and
re-release. I have done this 14 times since July.  I may as well combine
the debian fix with the upstream fixes. How does Debian handle this ? Can
I just upload version 0.15-1 and it will replace 0.14-1 ?  Hopefully, the 
unique package name thing will have this happen automatically.

	Also, does anyone know of a free gif<-->xpm converter? Now I use
netpbm which requires me to put fvwmconf in contrib.

G John Lapeyre <lapeyre@physics.arizona.edu>
Tucson,AZ     http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre

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