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Re: Creation of typical installations...

Sam Ockman <ockman@varesearch.com> writes:

> I'd like to create a system where upon installation the user will be
> presented with the option of, immediately after installing the base option,
> of installing three typical Debian installations...
> Large
> Medium
> Small
> (okay, so the names need some work...)
> They would be sets of each other.  Large would contain medium which would
> contain small.  Each would be a collection of standard Debian packages.
> I'd expect the sizes would be...
> Large about 550-600 megabytes
> Medium about 300-350 megabytes
> Small about 100-150 megabytes
> That way large could fit neatly onto a CD as a live file system.  S.u.S.E.
> and Red Hat both have live file systems, and I find them very useful...(of
> course I use Linux differently from most people...)
> I would imagine that if we could implement this most people (80% say) would
> choose this to use this feature rather than dselecting packages...then once
> they are comfortable with their working, feature rich Debian system they can
> start using dselect to pick exactly which packages they want.
> [snip]

A nice way would be to have a little database with awaylable
Configs. Each config would start a script when selected during the
installation process. The scrip could consist of dpkg -i bla.deb in
the easies case but could also be more complex (e.g. asking/detecting
the right X server for a X Config). The script would be easy to write,
small and fast. Also one could make many scripts for say an C/C++
enviroment (emacs, gcc, debmake,...) or a working X (Xserver, fonts,
wm). Most people will want to have X running on their homesystem and
they would only have to checkmark the X Packages when installing.

May the Source be with you.

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