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Program in need of a good home

 Last year, I authored a C++ program that does remote command excecution. Is
 worth packaging for experimental?

 It is different to other programs in that no daemon support is assumed at
 the remote shell account, except telnetd. Best of all, it is designed to be 
 used whithin scripts: it accepts stdin and redirects remote output and 
 error back to the local machine, for example, local scripts may contain
 this command:

~ $  ls | pass  shell.remote.org  tr a A    1>local.user.logs  2>local.err.log  
                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  ^^^^^^
                (remote host)     (any remote cmd)

~ $ echo $?
   (exit status of the remote command, tr in this case)

 It works with libc5, but will not compile with libc6 without taking out
 some of the parts.  I have no time till December to continue development.
 How do I find out if someone wants to work on it? 

 I guaratee it to work with target machines that are Linux and freeBSD
 ( solaris and bsdi have additional complications ). Encryption is not 
 supported and I think there are no problems with race conditions. 

Ioannis Tambouras 
ioannis@flinet.com, West Palm Beach, Florida
Signed pgp-key on key server. 

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