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Re: Access software

A agree with the statements below.
We should have an access category, things like emacsspeak and emacsspeak-dt belong in there too, since they're generally of no use to anyone without a dectalk
(which is, for the sight enhanced amongst you, a speech synthesizer for the visually impaired.)
I'm sure we will eventually begin to see more access products for linux (and hopefully for debian).
On Mon, Sep 29, 1997 at 03:10:31PM -0400, Christopher C Chimelis wrote:
> Hi...
> I'm in the process of becoming a new maintainer (mostly for the Alpha
> port) and am also packaging some Braille terminal access software
> (brltty).  What I was wondering is what category this kind of software
> falls under?  Granted, it's the only software of it's type right now, but
> would it be feasible to create an "access" category?
Aaron Howell.	Q.U.T Equity Department, Technical Support/Training.
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home: a.howell@student.qut.edu.au	phone +61-412-956-467
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