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Re: xvidtune: Please install this program before running.

Guy Maor wrote:
> Safest is:
> cd /usr/i486-linuxlibc1/lib/X11
> for i in XErrorDB XKEYsymDB locale ; do
>   ln -s ../../../$i $i
> done

Thanks for the tip: will change that right now.

> All the libc5 packages in hamm that have libc6 versions use this
> directory.

Then someone (me ?) should log a bug against xlib6 cause it doesn't.  It
loads everything into /usr/lib/libc5-compat.  First I'd seen of 
/usr/i486-linuxlibc1 was when the xlib6 libraries started using it
*at run-time*.

"Normality is a statistical illusion." -- me

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