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Re: egcs libg++

On Thu, 2 Oct 1997, Oleg Krivosheev wrote:

> there is NO libg++ in egcs, only libstdc++
> AFAIK, noone in egcs team is working on libg++

Sorry, I did mean libstdc++. (It's part of the libg++ package i think?)
> > It's STL has been hacked to the point
> > where egcs can't handle it :<
> Which STL? egcs comes with SGI STL as part of libstdc++.

The STL with the libstdc++ that is in hamm right now (libg++272-dev). It
will not work with egcs (ie it's been broken to work with gcc)
> > So, what can be done about having two libg++-dev's installed? One with a
> > hacked stl for gcc and one with a normal one for egcs.
> well, righnt now it's impossible to install libstdc++ from 
> latest egcs - it requires libc2.0.5c while
> there is only 2.0.4 in unstable. If you're

When are we going to see a more recent glib upgrade? Ie there are some
problems with the one in hamm, it would be nice to know if they are
resolved already before bothering the glib ppl.

And can something be done to allow the egcs and gcc libstdc to co-exist?

> taling about bo, than the only egcs compatible
> libc is 5.4.39 (at least this is what HJ told)
> so again you're out of luck.

It has to be hamm, that's what Galen's egcs package requires.


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