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Re: Copyright of names and addresses.

Fabrizio Polacco wrote:

> I don't think that we own a copyright on our names and address (street,
> telephon or email) so that only we could use them and restrict other to
> use them even "when refering to us".

I think that you are right. In the US, white pages (listings of people and
telephone numbers that are produced by the local phone companies are not
protected by copyright. I believe that a list of people must provide some
value-added service such as formatting or filtering in order to be
protected under copyright law. I believe that this is true of any pure
collection of information. There must be something value-added or you have
no copyright on that information. While sorting a list could be considered
a valuable service, I don't think the case-law in the US agrees.

> Maybe we should ask a lawyer.

I am not one.  Hoooraaaaahh!

Jeff Ebert

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