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REQ ip-up: run-parts /etc/ppp/up

apparently this has already been requested:
have /etc/ppp/ip-up and ip-down run-parts somedir.
Since there is at least one package other than ppp that's
gonna be affected I'm posting this to the list rather than 
to ppp maintainer.

I was installing slrn the other night and told it to run
slrnpull from ip-up.  Sure enough, it happily added its
shell commands right after "exit 0;" of my perl ip-up.
I suspect there would be some other packages that do this.

The proper solution was suggested by folks on #Debian: have 
a directory for scripts and run-parts it from ip-up.  
FWIW I have set it up here and can e-mail it -- if anyone 
(esp. Philip) wants to have look.

If Jesus was Jewish, why did he have a Puerto-Rican name?
			( Zen koan )

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