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Re: What about a user-contrib directory?

On Fri, 17 Oct 1997, joost witteveen wrote:

> I think we need to consider wheter we actually need to make it
> easier to upload/create packages. As far as I know, Debian is
> at this moment by far the biggest distribution, with the most
> packages. If it really were the case that there are many
> pieces of software left undebianised, that desperatly need
> debianisation, then, yes maybe we should be thinking
> about making it easier to upload .deb's.

I count around 960 in the contrib section of redhat's site.  Plus around
500 of their own.  So.. they may have a few more at this point, if you
count everything.  I bet our quality is still much higher, and I think for
many people, the security issue is also very important.

I think our model has a lot of advantages, but I'm just concerned about
how it will scale.  I mean, theoretically, our goal (or at least dream),
as Linux proponents, and as developers of a specific distribution, should
be to see linux take a big share of the market.  Even with a relatively
small share of the market, there might be many thousands of packages..

Do you think our way of doing things can scale like that?  I'm not saying
yes or no, I'd just like to hear others' ideas:-)

David Welton                          http://www.efn.org/~davidw                

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