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Re: No Debian/MIPS (was: More Linux/SGI status) (fwd)

From: Michael Neuffer <neuffer@trudi.zdv.Uni-Mainz.DE>
> What you are saying here is complete nonsense.

Consider where I am, what I do for a living, and who I might know,

Unfortunately, Olivetti systems don't seem to be available to me,
and it's unlikely I can get an old Indigo or other SGI system since
my employer has taken to selling off equipment in commercial markets
before it loses all of its value. Since you are so much better connected
with the MIPS Linux project, can you please write the appropriate people
for me, and ask them about these two systems:

	DECStation 3100 (r3000)
	DECStation 5000/200 (r4000)

I would be happy to place these systems under the care of an interested
developer once there is some chance that they can boot Linux.


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