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Re: Maintaining libc5

	[This is not an official position, since I do not make
	official policy]
>>"Brandon" == Brandon Mitchell <bhmit1@mail.wm.edu> writes:

Brandon> I'm thinking about becoming a maintainer, but until 2.0 is
Brandon> released, I can only maintain the libc5 version of the
Brandon> package.  Is this permitted or do I have to wait until 2.0?

	The libc5 version of the distribution (1.3.1, a.k.a. bo) has
 already been released, and the only changes are being made are
 security and critical bug fixes (so a new package is unlikely to be

	One of the requirements for the next release (2.0, possibly
 also known as hamm) is that it shall be libc6; this is where most
 packages are currently being uploaded.

	If you can't move to libc6 until 2.0 is relased, it shall be
 quite difficult for you to be a maintainer until then (not
 impossible; you may find some one willing to contribute resources on
 a libc6 machine for you to do the work, but working remotely can get

	In any case, I'd like to welcome you to our community ;-)

 Scientific innovation sometimes sounds like poetry, and I would claim
 that it is, at least in the earliest stages.  The ideal scientist can
 be said to think like a poet, work like a clerk, and write like a
 journalist.  Edward O. Wilson, "Biophilia"
Manoj Srivastava               <url:mailto:srivasta@acm.org>
Mobile, Alabama USA            <url:http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>

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